Diversity and inclusion are core values here at New Normal Group, and they lie at the heart of everything we do. We deeply believe in developing the potential within every one of our employees, no matter where they come from or want to go. We do so because we know that it is ultimately our people who determine the success of our projects and companies. And to nurture this success, we must build an inclusive culture where everyone can share their perspectives and opinions openly and without judgement.
As we look across the globe for the best and brightest individuals to join our family, we make an ongoing effort to focus on inclusion both inside and outside the workplace. As part of this strategy, we have continuous cooperation with various actors, locally and nationally, including companies, organizations, and governmental agencies such as Vestfold & Telemark County Municipality, NAV, and Imdi.
By stepping up and being part of today's conversations, presentations and conferences regarding diversity and inclusion, we hope to play our part in building a new normal for all.